Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

Tips menghilangkan bekas luka yang sudah menahun mudah dan murah

Hy guys, kali ini saya mau ngasih tips menghilangkan bekas luka yang masih ada sejak bertahun tahun .

Solusinya bisa beragam...

Tetapi berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi

Saya menghilangkan bekas luka meggunakan sabun mandi asepso yang warna hijau dan mengenakan salep bioplacenton.
*bukan bermaksud promosi hanya berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, kalau mau cari produknya banyak kok diapotek" terdekat. Sabun asepsonha mungkin sekitar 7000an dan bioplacentonnya sekitar 16ribuan tentu kebib hemat bukan ? Enggak sampe ratusan ribu kan ?

Asal rutin dan tekun insyaaloh bekas lukanya sembuh, yangjelas ini mempercepat proses penghilangan bekas luka, dan bagus nya harganya pada murah meriah tapi ga kalah sama produk" yang mahal !

*jika kulit masih keadaan iritasi bekas luka yang masih baru" sebaiknya gausah pake sabun mandi asepso dulu yah !

Sekian tips dari saya semoga bermanfaat bagi para pembaca

Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Perintah yang terkandung dalam surat al kafirun

Secara umum Surah al-Kafirun [109] mengandung makna toleransi terhadap agama lain dan kepercayaannya. Toleransi ini berarti pengakuan tentang adanya realita perbedaan agama dan keyakinan, bukan pengakuan pembenaran terhadap agama dan keyakinan selain Islam.

Islam adalah agama yang benar dan tidak ada yang dapat menyamai syariat Islam. Surah al-Kafirun [109] merupakan pedoman bagi umat Islam dalam bersikap menghadapi perbedaan yang ada. Selain itu, Surah al-Kafirun [109] ayat 1–6 juga merupakan pedoman dalam meletakkan hubungan sosial. Perbedaan agama dan keyakinan tidak menutup jalan untuk tolong-menolong. Perbedaan agama dan keyakinan tidak menjadi alasan untuk bermusuhan.

Minggu, 30 November 2014

David choi ~ By my side

I’m just listening to the clock go ticking
I am waiting as the time goes by
I think of you with every breath I take
I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine

You’re all I see
In everything

I just want to hold you
I just want to kiss you
I just want to love you all my life
I normally wouldn’t say this
But I just can’t contain it
I want you here forever, right here
By my side

All the fears you feel inside
And all the tears you’ve cried
They’re ending right here
I’ll heal your heart and soul
I’ll keep you oh so close
Don’t worry I’ll never let you go

You’re all I need
You’re everything

I just want to hold you
I just want to kiss you
I just want to love you all my life
I normally wouldn’t say this
But I just can’t contain it
I want you here forever, right here
By my side

No one else would ever do
I got a stubborn heart for you
Call me crazy but it’s true
I love you
I didn’t think that it would be
You who made it clear to me
You’re all I need

I just want to hold you
I just want to kiss you
I just want to love you all my life
I normally wouldn’t say this
But I just can’t contain it
I want you here forever, right here
By my side

Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Bunga tidur (Tulus)

Bekas gincu di sudut bibir kiri
Di depan cermin sabtu pagi
Aku tak tahu ini punya siapa

Cukup jauh dari mabuk rasanya
Aku tak bermimpi
Entahlah ini pertanda apa

Sering malu karena sujud
Hanya bila tertekan
Duhai pria yang mengaku-ngaku dewasa

Konon kabar membeku
Didirikan pun tak mampu
Ini dia si jago pemandu

Bila kau pikir aku sekuat itu
Dua empat tujuh aku bahagia
Kau salah kawan ku dilindungi dendangan
Ini musikku dia pagar jarak pandangmu

Mustahil tak bercelah
Di depan cermin sabtu pagi
aku bicara dengan pantulanku

Bunga tidur bisa membawamu terkubur
jauh dari sekedar akar hantui pikiran

Kadang ku jatuh cinta
Kadang naik si pitam
Kadang gelap malam
Kadang semua tuli

Kau salah kawan kudilindungi dendangan
Ini musikku dia pagar jarak pandangmu
Kau salah kawan ku dilindungi dendangan
Ini musikku dia pagar jarak pandangmu

Selamaku melihat engkau senang
Yang lainnya kusimpan sendiri

Sabtu, 08 November 2014

Trough the rain

When you get caught in the rain
With no where to run
When you're distraught and in pain without anyone
When you keep crying out to be saved

But nobody comes and you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay, what you say is

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And if you keep falling down, don't you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly
And you'll find what you need to prevail
What you say is

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close
Don't be afraid, there's nothing you can't face
And should they tell you, you'll never pull through
Don't hesitate, stand tall and say

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

I can make it through the rain
As I live once again
And I live one more day
I can make it through the rain
Yes you can
You gonna make it through the rain

Rabu, 05 November 2014

It Has to be you

Today, i wander in my memory
I’m passing around on the end of this way
You’re still holding me tightly, even though i can’t see you any more
I’m losing my way again

I’m praying to the sky i want see you and hold you more
that i want to see you and hold you more

It can’t be if it’s not you
i can’t be without you
it’s okay if i’m hurt for a day and a year like this
it’s fine even if my heart’s hurts
yes because i’m just in love with you

i cannot send you away one more time
i can’t live without you

it can’t be if it’s not you
i can’t be without you
it’s okay if i’m hurt for a day and a year like this
it’s fine even if my heart’s hurts
yes because i’m just in love with you

my bruised heart
is screaming to me to find you
where are you?
can’t you hear my voice?
to me…

if i live my life again
if i’m born over and over again
i can’t live without you for a day
You’re the one i will keep
you’re the one i will love
i’m…yes because i’m happy enough if i could be with you

Selasa, 04 November 2014

Before The Rain

This is meaning of lyric song korea Bernard Before the rain

The time my long-awaited dream comes true

The only one who stayed by my side

That is you, the one I’ll run to

Before the Rain Before the Rain

Through the times of frustration and moments of pain

You helped me get up again

Before the Rain

When I was down and about to give up

With no one to understand

You were there to hold my hand

When the busy life

started to sweep my dream away,

you silently told me
that you know what I can be someday

Before the Rain Before the Rain

Through the times of frustration and moments of pain

You helped me get up again

Before the Rain

When I was down and about to give up

With no one to understand

You were there to hold my hand

Before the Rain

You believed in my dream

Before the Rain :')